Vidwan-ID : 415192

  • Mr Samuel W

  • Assistant Professor
  • Jamal Mohamed College, Khajanagar
Publications 2015 - 2022


  • 19
    Journal Articles

Google Scholar

Co-author Network


Business, Finance

Mr. W. Samuel, Assistant Professor of the Department of Business Administration, Jamal Mohamed College, Trichy, Tamil Nadu, India. Currently his research is based on security analysis and portfolio management and focuses especially on investment management, portfolio management, robust estimation and robust portfolio optimization. He has more than 7 years of research experience and published 15 peer reviewed International and National publications. He can be reached at; wsm@

Personal Information

Mr Samuel W

"YAHVEH YEREH" Cottage, 15/24 Ashok Nagar (South), Karumandapam 15/24, Ashok Nagar S Ext, Karumandapam, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, India
Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, India - 620001


  • Assistant Professor

    Department of Business Administration

    Jamal Mohamed College, Khajanagar


  • MBA

    Jamal Mohamed College, Khajanagar

  • B.Com

    Jamal Mohamed College, Tiruchirappalli

Honours and Awards


ICWA Trichy Chapter Gold Medal Award

Jamal Mohamed College


ICWA Trichy Chapter Gold Medal Award

Jamal Mohamed College

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